Monday, February 24, 2020

EXAM 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

EXAM 1 - Essay Example Company reconciles these claims with its financial records that shows more growth through QSR.(Dunkin 2012 Annual Report p. 6) Long term mission of Dunkin Brand is to focus on long term sustainability. They have leveraged their expertise on research and development to come up with ideas that could help their stakeholders. To help their franchisees save on energy and water, save on costs for simple repairs, and engage in energy efficiency, Dunkin came up with a toolkit that solves this problem. It is also developing resources for a sustainable packaging solutions, and working on reusable cups and spoon.Dunkin is completing its research of sourcing of sourcing cage-free eggs and gestation crate-free pork by 2013. It also gives financial support to the local community through its various programs.(Riley, Christine.2013) Remote environment factors are issues which business have little or no control at all. For this reason, I consider economic factors as number one because it deals a lot on the economy of the company which it operates. i. e. the tendency of people to spend, availability of credit, level of disposable income, and trends of growth which could not be controlled by the organization. I ranked Social factors as second because understanding lifestyles of people, values, beliefs and opinions are significant in business decisions but business can go along with it. Political factors is ranked third, because following government regulations can be worked out; technological factors as fourth because it can be accepted as innovations and designs could be improved and last is ecological factors. This is the relations of the company to other living things such as air, soil and water which could be corrected through its CSR relations The number one competitive force shaping strategy of Dunkin is product adaptation and availability. Instead of developing new product, it focuses on growing the market

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